Our friends at RunningShoes.com are holding an amazing contest right now. They’re giving away a Race Day Getaway to Cape Cod…
Have you ever been to Cape Cod? I sure haven’t. So I did a little googling and voila:

But wait, there’s more!

How could you not enter this one?
The winner will receive two airline tickets, lodging, and entries to the New Balance Falmouth Road Race on Aug. 12. In order to enter, folks can share words of inspiration here – http://bit.ly/K6vrzw.
They would like people to post their entry on Facebook and ask for friends to vote on their favorite entries. The finalists will be determined by votes. Good luck!
And don’t forget to check out the sweet deals on runningshoes.com, too!
Race Info
Date: August 12, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Falmouth, MA
Distance: 7 miles
Course Map: Link
Event Website: Link